Engage your ESL class with 15 fun present continuous activities

Engage your ESL class with 15 fun present continuous activities

As an ESL teacher, you know how important it is to make learning English engaging and fun for your students. One way to do this is by incorporating various classroom activities that will get your students excited about practicing their language skills. In this article, we will explore different present continuous activities that you can use to teach your ESL class, including games, worksheets, and other interactive strategies.

What is the Present Continuous Tense?

The present continuous tense is one of the most commonly used tenses in the English language. It is used to describe actions that are happening right now and those that are happening in the near future. In the present continuous tense, we use the present participle form of the verb (also known as the -ing form) and the verb “to be”.

Explaining the Present Continuous Tense to ESL Students

When explaining the present continuous tense to your ESL students, it is important to keep it simple and clear. You can start by giving them examples of the tense, such as:

  • I am reading a book.
  • She is listening to music.
  • They are playing soccer.

You can then explain that the present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are happening right now or in the near future. For example, you might say:

  • I am writing an article for my class.
  • You are studying for your test tomorrow.
  • We are planning a party for next weekend.

The Difference Between Present Continuous and Present Simple Tense

It can be challenging for ESL students to understand the difference between the present continuous and present simple tenses, but it is important for them to learn the distinction. The present simple tense is used to describe routine actions, while the present continuous tense is used for actions that are happening right now or in the near future. For example:

  • Present simple: I eat breakfast every morning.
  • Present continuous: I am eating breakfast right now.

How to Teach the Present Continuous Tense?

Now that we have a basic understanding of what the present continuous tense is, we can explore different ways to teach it to our ESL students. Here are some fun classroom activities for teaching the present continuous tense:

Fun Classroom Activities for Teaching the Present Continuous Tense

1. Present continuous drawing: Give each student a piece of paper and a pen. Ask them to draw a picture of what they are doing right now. After a few minutes, ask them to share their pictures with the class and describe what they drew using the present continuous tense.

2. Present continuous memory: Create a memory game using verbs in the present continuous tense. Write each verb on a separate card and shuffle them. Then, ask students to pair up and take turns flipping over two cards at a time. If the two cards have matching verbs, the student gets to keep them and continue playing. If not, they put them back and the next student takes a turn.

3. ESL present continuous games: There are many fun games that you can play with your ESL class to practice the present continuous tense. For example, you can play “Present Continuous Charades” where students act out an action and the rest of the class has to guess what they are doing using the present continuous tense.

Using Worksheets to Practice the Present Continuous Tense

Worksheets are another great way to practice the present continuous tense with your ESL students. You can create worksheets with fill-in-the-blank sentences or with pictures that students have to describe using the present continuous tense. You can also create worksheet exercises where students have to make a present continuous sentence from a given verb.

The Importance of Using the Present Continuous Tense in Everyday Conversations

As an ESL teacher, it is important to stress the importance of using the present continuous tense in everyday conversations. By doing so, you are helping your students to communicate more effectively in English and to sound more natural when speaking. The present continuous tense is used in many everyday situations, such as when talking about hobbies, describing what you are doing at the moment, or talking about plans for the future.

What Are the Best Present Continuous Activities for Students?

Now that we have explored different ways to teach the present continuous tense, let’s take a look at some of the best present continuous activities for students:

Guess the Actions: A Fun Game for Practicing the Present Continuous Tense

For this game, you will need to write several verbs in the present continuous tense on pieces of paper and place them in a hat or bowl. Divide your class into teams and have one person from each team come up and draw a verb from the hat. They will then have to act out the verb while the rest of their team tries to guess what they are doing using the present continuous tense. The team that guesses correctly gets a point.

Mime Time: A Creatively Engaging Twist on Present Continuous Activities

This game puts a fun, creative spin on practicing the present continuous tense. Students will take turns miming actions while the rest of the class tries to guess what they are doing using the present continuous tense. For example, a student might mime washing dishes or walking a dog. This is not only a fun way to practice the present continuous tense, but it also encourages students to be creative and to use their imaginations.

One Student at a Time: A Simple and Effective Way of Practicing the Present Continuous Tense

This is a simple and effective way to practice the present continuous tense. Have the students sit in a circle. Start with one student, who will say, “I am [verb]ing”. The next student will then continue by saying, “He/She is [verb]ing and I am [verb]ing”. This continues around the circle until every student has had a turn.

How to Make Present Continuous Activities More Engaging?

If you want to make your present continuous activities even more engaging, there are a few things you can do:

Creating Board Games for a More Interactive Classroom Experience

Board games are a great way to make learning fun and interactive. You can create a board game that incorporates the present continuous tense and have students play in pairs or teams. This will not only make the learning experience more engaging, but it will also encourage teamwork and collaboration.

Incorporating Future Continuous Tense into Present Continuous Activities

Once your students have a good grasp of the present continuous tense, you can start to incorporate the future continuous tense into your activities. For example, you can have your students practice making sentences using both tenses, such as “I am studying for my test tomorrow” and “I will be studying for my test tomorrow”. This will help them to understand the differences between the two tenses and to use them correctly.

Discussing What is Happening in the Classroom Using Present Continuous Tense

An easy way to incorporate the present continuous tense into your classroom activities is by discussing what is happening in the classroom using the present continuous tense. For example, you can ask students what they are doing right now, what they will be doing after class, or what they did over the weekend. This will help them to practice their language skills in a natural and engaging way.

What are the Recommended ESL Present Continuous Activities for Teachers?

15 Fun Present Continuous Activities to Engage Your ESL Class Today

1. Present continuous drawing: Students draw a picture of a scene or activity while their partner describes what is happening using the present continuous tense.

2. Present continuous memory: Students play a memory game by matching present continuous sentences with corresponding pictures.

3. Present Continuous Charades: Students act out present continuous sentences while their classmates guess what they are doing.

4. Fill-in-the-blank worksheets: Students complete sentences using the present continuous tense.

5. Picture description worksheets: Students describe a picture using present continuous sentences.

6. Making present continuous sentences from given verbs worksheets: Students create present continuous sentences using given verbs.

7. Guess the Actions game: Students guess what actions their classmates are doing based on present continuous sentences.

8. Mime Time game: Students act out present continuous sentences while their classmates guess what they are doing.

9. One Student at a Time game: Students take turns adding to a present continuous sentence, building a story together.

10. Board game: Students move around a board by correctly using present continuous sentences.

11. Future continuous tense practice activities: Students practice using the future continuous tense by imagining and describing future events.

12. Asking students about what they are doing in the classroom or outside of class: Teachers ask students about their current activities using the present continuous tense.

13. Present continuous sentence activity: Students work in pairs to create and act out present continuous sentences.

14. Using present continuous tense during storytelling: Teachers use the present continuous tense to describe ongoing actions in stories.

15. Creating an ongoing classroom project using present continuous tense: Students work on a long-term project and describe their progress using the present continuous tense.

The Importance of Variety When it Comes to Present Continuous Activities

As an ESL teacher, it is important to provide a variety of activities when teaching the present continuous tense to your students. This will keep them engaged and interested in the learning process. By using games, worksheets, and other interactive strategies, you can make learning English fun and interactive for your ESL students.

How to Use Present Continuous Verb Tense to Effectively Teach ESL students?

Using the present continuous verb tense is an effective way to teach ESL students because it is commonly used 

15 Fun ESL Present Continuous Activities for an Engaging Classroom

Engage your students and improve their understanding of the present continuous tense with these 15 fun and interactive ESL activities. From guessin>g games to role-playing scenarios, these activities will add excitement to your classroom, ensuring your students grasp this essential aspect of English grammar.

Understanding the Present Continuous Tense

What is the Present Continuous Tense?

The present continuous tense, also known as the present progressive tense, describes actions that are currently happening at the moment of speakin>g or events occurring around the present time. This tense is formed by combining the present tense of the verb “to be” (e.g., am, is, are) with the present participle of the main verb (e.g., running, eating, working).

When to use Present Continuous in ESL?

Using the present continuous tense is common in various ESL contexts, such as describing ongoing actions, temporary situations, and future arrangem>ents with a definite plan. Present continuous sentences can be affirmative, negative, or interrogative, providing a range of possibilities for practice activities.

Present Continuous vs. Present Simple

Present continuous tense differs from the present simple tense, as it focuses on actions in progress, while the present simple is used for regula>r habits, general facts, and permanent situations. Understanding the difference between these two tenses is vital for teaching the present continuous effectively in an ESL classroom context.

Teaching the Present Continuous through Activities

Why use activities for teaching the Present Continuous?

Fun and engaging activities are valuable tools for teaching the present continuous tense, as they reinforce language acquisition, boost student mo>tivation, and foster a positive classroom environment. These activities allow students to practice and internalize grammar concepts while translating them into meaningful communication.

Creating a fun and engaging ESL classroom

An entertaining and interactive ESL classroom facilitates the learning process, helping students overcome challenges and enjoy their language journ>ey. Utilizing present continuous activities encourages cooperative learning, critical thinking, and creativity, contributing to a fun classroom experience.

Adapting activities for different levels and ages

Present continuous games can be adapted to accommodate various proficiency levels and age groups. By adjusting the difficulty of tasks, modifying >instructions, or introducing more complex vocabulary, educators can tailor activities to suit their students’ unique learning needs.

5 Fun Present Continuous Games and Activities

Guess What’s Happening: A Present Continuous Game

In this game, one student describes an action in the present continuous tense, while the rest of the class tries to guess the activity. For examp>le, “I am reading a book.” Students take turns in both roles, providing plenty of practice in using and listening to present continuous sentences.

Mime and Act: Visualizing the Present Continuous

Students use mime and acting to convey a present continuous action, while their peers attempt to guess the correct verb. Not only does this encourage> creativity, but it also helps reinforce the meaning of present continuous verbs.

Present Continuous Board Game: A Competitive ESL Activity

Create a board game using present continuous questions and prompts. As students move through the board, they must answer questions or make present> continuous sentences according to their position—adaptable for different age groups and proficiency levels.

Worksheet Wonders: Present Continuous Worksheets

Worksheets offer a wide range of practice activities for the present continuous tense. From gap-fill exercises to sentence transformations, students> can develop their understanding of this essential grammar structure.

Chain Story: A Collaborative Present Continuous Activity

Starting with a sentence in the present continuous tense, each student adds a new sentence, creating a continuous story. This collaborative activit>y promotes teamwork and encourages students to use present continuous verbs in context.

5 Classroom Activities for Teaching Present Continuous Vocabulary

Flashcard Fun: Reinforcing Present Continuous Verbs

Using flashcards, students can practice their present continuous verbs and pronunciation, either individually or in teams. These versatile tools can be used for matching games, memory challenges, or even races to find the correct verb.

Word Association: Building Present Continuous Sentences

Ask students to form a circle; then give them a verb in the present progressive tense. Each student must add a word or phrase associated with the given verb, encouraging creative thinking and vocabulary expansion.

Classroom Scavenger Hunt: Present Continuous in Action

Hide clues around the classroom, each featuring an action in the present progressive tense (e.g., “I am writing”). Students must find the clues and> perform the actions, providing a fun way to practice using the present continuous tense.

Picture Puzzle: Describing Scenes with Present Continuous

Students describe scenes depicted in pictures or drawings using present continuous sentences, developing their ability to use grammar in contexta>l settings.

Role Play: Practicing Present Continuous in Real-life Situations

Ask students to imagine a variety of real-life situations where present continuous tense is used, such as ordering food, traveling, or interv>iewing for a job. Role-playing these situations helps students apply their language skills in practical contexts.

5 ESL Lesson Ideas for Present Continuous Practice

Listening and Comprehension Activities with Present Continuous

Incorporate listening activities that focus on present continuous usage, such as songs, interviews, or podcasts, to help students improve their co>mprehension of this tense in spoken language.

Interactive Online Exercises for Present Continuous Practice

Utilize interactive online exercises to engage your students and provide additional practice opportunities. Apps and websites offer interactive gam>es and quizzes to reinforce present continuous knowledge and skills.

Present Continuous Conversation Starters

Provide conversation starters with prompts that require the use of present continuous verbs. This helps students practice the present continuous >tense in realistic, extended dialogues.

English Tenses Review: Comparing Continuous Tenses

Conduct a comprehensive review of the English tenses, outlining the differences and similarities between the present, past, and future continuous .>Adjust the review to accommodate various age groups and proficiency levels.

From Present Continuous to Future Continuous: Expanding Language Skills

To help students expand their language skills, introduce ESL activities that transition from the present continuous tense to the future continuous> tense. This will provide a solid foundation for students as they progress in their English language studies.


Q: What are some engaging english tenses activities to teach the present continuous?

A: Some engaging activities include the present continuous memory game, continuous miming, a board game, and a guessing game using sentences with the present progressive.

Q: How can I use a guessing game to teach present continuous in my ESL class?

A: In a guessing game, students can come to the front of the class and describe what is happening in a picture using the present progressive. Then, the rest of the class can guess the action in the picture.

Q: What is the role of mime in the present continuous miming game?

A: Mime helps students to act out a present continuous action for their classmates to guess. This helps in developing their understanding of the tense while making it a fun and engaging activity.

Q: Can a worksheet be utilized to teach the present continuous?

A: Yes, a worksheet that focuses on constructing sentences using the present continuous can be a helpful resource for students to practice this tense.

Q: What is the objective of a present continuous board game?

A: The objective is to have students practice using the present progressive in a fun and engaging way, by moving across the board and creating sentences with the given prompts.

Q: How can I incorporate a future continuous activity into a present continuous lesson?

A: To incorporate future continuous activities, you can adapt guessing games or mime activities to focus on what might be happening in the future, helping students practice both tenses.

Q: Are there any present continuous activities involving questions using the tense?

A: Yes, there are. Asking and answering games can help students practice the present continuous by generating questions using the present continuous and responding in kind.

Q: What is the role of a game in teaching the uses of the present continuous?

A: Games can help provide an interactive and engaging way for students to practice the present continuous, while also gaining a deeper understanding of its uses and applications in conversation.

Q: How can I engage my ESL class with activities happening in the classroom?

A: For activities happening in the classroom, encourage students to describe what is happening using the present progressive. This can help them practice forming sentences and become more comfortable with the tense.

Q: How do I determine the winning student in a present continuous guessing or miming game?

A: The student who correctly guesses the most present continuous actions or the student who can successfully act out and have their classmates guess the highest number of actions in the game wins.


In conclusion, using present continuous activities can be a great way to engage ESL students in the classroom. These 15 fun activities offer a variety of options for teachers to choose from, including drawing, memory games, charades, and more. By using these activities, students can practice using the present continuous tense in a fun and interactive way, which can help to improve their language skills and boost their confidence. So, if you’re looking for ways to make your ESL classes more engaging and effective, consider incorporating these present continuous activities into your lesson plans.

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