
Crafting Strong Explanatory Paragraph: A Comprehensive Lesson Plan for Educators

Explanatory paragraph

Crafting strong explanatory paragraph is an essential skill for students to develop, as it allows them to communicate their ideas and thoughts effectively. As educators, it is our responsibility to teach students how to write clear and concise explanatory paragraphs. To achieve this, we need to have a comprehensive lesson plan that covers the necessary skills and techniques. In the following lesson plan, I have created activities that educators can use to teach their students how to craft strong explanatory paragraphs. By using this lesson plan, I hope the teachers will be able to improve their students’ writing skills and make them effective communicators.

Instructions for the Activity:

The students will read the paragraph and answer the questions in this activity.

Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow. 

An explanatory paragraph is a type of writing that explains a concept, event, or situation. It is written to provide readers with a better understanding of the topic by providing details, facts, and evidence. Explanatory paragraphs are written to inform readers and make them more aware of a particular topic. They are often used to explain complex topics in an easy-to-understand format or to provide an argument for a certain point of view.

1. What is an explanatory paragraph?

2. What is the purpose of an explanatory paragraph?

3. What type of information is included in an explanatory paragraph?

4. How can explanatory paragraphs help readers understand a topic?

5. What types of arguments can be made with an explanatory paragraph?

6. Summarize the above paragraph in your own words. 

Instructions for the activity

Work in groups and tell each other about the explanatory paragraph.

Instructions for the activity

The students will work in groups and describe these words. They will also provide two examples of each word.

Concept, event, situation, fact, and evidence

Crafting Strong Explanatory Paragraph: A Comprehensive Lesson Plan for Educators

Watch the video and answer the questions that follow.

Parts of a paragraph

1. How many parts are there in a paragraph?

2. What is a topic sentence?

3. What are the supporting sentences?

4. What is a concluding sentence?

5. How does each part of the paragraph help in writing?

Importance of transition words in writing

Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

Transition words are very important in a paragraph or essay because they connect or link ideas together in a sentence. They also improve the writing flow and make it easier for readers to understand the author’s point.

          Transition words are used for various reasons. For example, they introduce a new topic, emphasize an important point, or demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship. In addition,  they are used to make comparisons or describe a process. In certain situations, they are also used to give examples or describe facts. They help clarify an argument or transition between sections of a written work.

         Transition words have a significant impact on writing. They create cohesion and clarity in writing. They show a logical progression of thoughts. They also indicate a shift in tone or mood or help to emphasize a point.

  1. Why are transition words important in writing?
  2. Describe the reasons for using transition words in writing.
  3. What is the impact of using transition words in writing?
  4. What transition words do you use most in your writing?
  5. What is your personal opinion about using transition words in writing?

Activities for exploring and using transition words

Instructions for the activities

Activity 1: There are two paragraphs. In this first paragraph, transition words are not used. In the second paragraph, transition words are used. Read both these paragraphs and describe the difference between these two paragraphs. Write three differences. 

Activity 2: Write the transition words used in the second paragraph in your notebook and make sentences of these words. 

Paragraph 1

“Why practice is important to mastering skills.”

Practice is an important factor in mastering any skill. It helps to develop the skills required to become proficient in any activity. Practice can make someone efficient and accurate in performing a certain task. It helps to develop focus and concentration, which are essential to master a skill. Practicing regularly helps to build confidence and motivation. Practicing helps to develop consistency and discipline, which are important for long-term success. All these reasons make practice an important factor in mastering any skill.

Paragraph 2

“Why practice is important to mastering skills.”

Practice is an essential factor for mastering any skill. For example, it helps to develop the skills required to become proficient in any activity. It also makes someone efficient and accurate in performing a certain task. Moreover, it helps to develop focus and concentration, which are essential to master a skill. In addition, practicing regularly helps to build confidence and motivation. Furthermore, it helps to develop consistency and discipline, which are important for long-term success. To sum up, all these reasons make practice an important factor in mastering any skill.

Watch the video and learn the importance of transition words in writing with the help of movie clips.

Instructions for the activity

This activity can be used in many ways. The teacher can ask students to write down transition words used in the video. He can also ask them to use some of them in sentences.

The teacher can give this activity as homework where students are going to make sentences of the transition words used in the video.

The video is divided into different sections. In a writing class, one section of the video can be used where students can write and talk about these words. They should learn and memorize these words to use them in their writing.

Writing Explanatory paragraphs

Topic 1: How the Internet is helpful in learning.

Instructions for the activity

The following Phrases in the table can be used to write a paragraph about how the Internet is helpful for learning. Use these phrases and write a paragraph on ” How the internet is helpful for learning.”

Use transition words you have learned in previous lessons to make the paragraph more organized and cohesive. 

Unlimited access to informationwatching Youtube videos related to the lessonsa vast array of resources
collaborate with friendsconnect with expertsenrich learning experiences
learning new skillsreferencing and researchpowerful tools and apps for improving educational outcomes

Topic 2: Explain why people should quit smoking.

Instructions for the Activity

The following Phrases in the table can be used to write a paragraph about why people should quit smoking. Use these phrases and write a paragraph and ” Explain Why people should quit smoking.”

Use transition words you have learned in previous lessons to make the paragraph more organized and cohesive. 

improve physical healthreduce the risk of developing cancer
and other serious illnesses
save money as cigarettes are expensive
improve mental healthreduce stresshelp you avoid the unpleasant smell associated with smoking
improve the quality of your life overall

Topic 3: Explain Why online shopping is becoming more popular.

Instructions for the Activity

The following Phrases in the table can be used to write a paragraph about why online shopping is becoming more popular. Use these phrases and write a paragraph and ” Explain Why online shopping is becoming more popular.”

Use transition words you have learned in previous lessons to make the paragraph more organized and cohesive. 

incredibly convenient saves a lot of timeoffers shoppers a way to compare prices and find the best deals
many online shops offer free shipping read customer reviews and make informed decisions about the productsa wide range of products accessible to everyone
shop from anywhere at any time

Topic 4: Explain why learning English is important.

Instructions for the Activity

The following Phrases in the table can be used to write a paragraph about why learning English is important. Use these phrases, write a paragraph, and ” Explain Why learning English is important.”

Use transition words you have learned in previous lessons to make the paragraph more organized and cohesive.

can give you access to a world of information and resourcesbetter job prospects/opportunitiesofficial language of over 60 countries
can do business with international clients and partners.interact with people from other countries.essential for international travel and communication.
world’s most important books, films, and music are in Englishcan open the door to new cultures, ideas, and experiences

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