
Writing a descriptive paragraph – Lesson plan

Writing a descriptive paragraph is a very important skill to learn. It is a very useful way to use words to create a picture in the reader’s mind. They can help make your writing more interesting by giving readers a vivid mental image.

Please watch the following video and complete the quiz once you’re done watching it.

Also read: Crafting a Strong Explanatory Paragraph

Descriptive Paragraph Presentation

How to write a descriptive paragraph_ .pptx by Zahid Khan

20 descriptive adjectives to describe a person

I will explain 20 important adjectives for writing a good descriptive paragraph for A2 level students. Watch the video and then take the quiz.

A Special Day in Peaceful Town

Instructions: The story features descriptive adjectives sourced from the video next to the quiz. Please watch the video titled “Learn descriptive adjectives through movie clips” and jot down the adjectives in your notebooks. Once you’ve watched the video, proceed to read the passage and finish the quiz that follows.

In a small and peaceful town, there was a tall, thin man named William. People often said he looked like his grandmother. William was a teacher and a very smart man.

William had a good friend named George. George was always happy and honest. They both liked to visit the most beautiful place in town: a nice garden with colorful flowers and tall trees. 

One sunny day, they met a young woman named Jenny in the garden. Jenny was cheerful and hardworking. She had a big, light basket filled with fruits. “This garden is such a fantastic place,” she said with a big smile.

Suddenly, they heard a noisy sound. A funny man named Joey was playing a loud song on his cheap radio. William, being polite, asked, “Could you please make it a little less loud? We are enjoying the peaceful garden.”

Joey felt a bit embarrassed. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t think it was that loud. I’m just so excited because I found this radio for a very cheap price!”

Jenny laughed and said, “It’s alright. Come, join us!” She offered Joey some fruits from her basket. 

As the sun set, the garden became a quiet, peaceful place again. William, George, Jenny, and even Joey sat and talked about how wonderful the day was.

A Special Day in Peaceful Town – Quiz

A Special Day in Peaceful Town – Quiz

Read the article titled “ A Special Day in Peaceful Town “  and choose the best answers. 

Learn descriptive adjectives through movie clips

Watch the video and write down descriptive adjectives in your notebooks.

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