“10 Exciting New Features of GPT 4”

1. Summarizing the existing articles with specific commands (output from GPT 4)

On Monday, March 14th, OpenAI President and Co-founder Greg Brockman conducted a live session to showcase the powerful capabilities of their cutting-edge artificial intelligence tool, Chat GPT-4.

During the presentation, Greg highlighted the tremendous effort OpenAI has put into making GPT-4 an effective and useful tool for businesses and individuals. He demonstrated the various features of GPT-4, such as natural language processing and its ability to understand and interact with human language.

In this blog, I want to take a closer look at the key features discussed by Mr. Greg Brockman in his presentation. He compared the capabilities of Chat GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 by giving the same prompt and explaining what GPT 4 can do that GPT 3.5 cannot. He showed how GPT 4 is more advanced and has the ability to generate more sophisticated responses.

He gave the following commands, but unfortunately, GPT-3.5 was unable to complete the task. However, GPT-4 was able to generate the following response.

User: Let’s do the same thing with A. (“GPT-4 )

Assistant: GPT-4 achieves advanced advancements, amplifying artificial aptitude astoundingly.

USER: Let’s do the same — this time with Q.

Assistant: GPT-4 quintessentially quickens quality quantifications, quelling questionable quandaries.

2. A common theme between the articles

The President has issued a command to identify the common themes between the two articles. With this command, GPT 4 analysed and compared the content and identified the common theme.

User: Find one common theme between this article and the GPT-4 blog.

Assistant: One common theme between the Pynecone article and the GPT-4 blog is the focus on making advanced technology more accessible and user-friendly for developers and users.

USER: That was not insightful enough.

Assistant: A more insightful common theme between the Pynecone article and the GPT-4 blog is the emphasis on bridging the gap between powerful technologies and their practical applications, by streamlining the development process for web applications and enhancing AI capabilities for more reliable and creative tasks, respectively.

3. Blogpost into a rhyming poem

The next command given by the president was  

USER: Now turn the GPT-4 blog post into a rhyming poem


In a world of AI advancing so fast,

GPT-4 has arrived, leaving the past.

A multimodal model, image and text. 

Human-level performance, leaving all perplexed.

Months aligning, lessons drawn,

From adversarial tests and ChatGPT’s dawn. 

Factuality, steerability, guardrails tight,

A model refined; a future so bright.

Deep learning stack and supercomputer too. 

Azure by our side, a partnership true.

 GPT-3.5, a run to test the stage,

Fixing the bugs, turning the page.

Capabilities now, in ChatGPT and API,

 Image input, partners standing by.

OpenAI Evals, open source for all,

Helping to guide, answering the call.

Casual conversation, subtle distinctions, 

GPT-4 shines with complex instructions. 

Simulated exams, designed for humans, 

GPT-4 surpasses with scores so blooming’.

A milestone reached in AI’s grand quest,

 Pushing the limits, striving for the best.

 GPT-4’s launch, a new chapter unfurls, 

Welcome to the future, as AI’s world whirls.

4. A chatbot can be created

The president’s next point in the presentation was that a chatbot (such as Discord) can be created with the help of GPT-4. This powerful language model can be used to create a conversation bot that can understand natural language and interact with users in a meaningful way. To do so, the following command was given to GPT-4:

•            Follow the user’s requirements carefully & to the letter

•            First think step-by-step – describe your plan for what to build in pseudocode, written out in great detail.

•            Then output the code in a single code block.

•            Minimize any other prose.

Write me a Discord bot with each of these requirements:

•            Accepts message containing image and text inputs.

•            No need special text to trigger the bot; it should read & respond to every message.

•            Use the gpt-4′ model in the API (just released Mar 14!) rather than gpt-3.5-turbo’, and then posts the results

•            Reads credentials from the DISCORD_TOKEN and OPENAI_API_KEY env vars

He also advised that a person should check if the code is functioning properly.

5. Image Reading

GPT-4 can do more than just read documents – it can also read images! You can now take a screenshot, upload it to GPT-4, and ask it to “describe the image”. GPT-4 will accurately read the contents of the image, making it easier than ever to get the information you need. Try it out today and see what GPT-4 can do for you!

But it is not publicly available. Once it is refined then access will be given to the public.

6. GPT 4 can read a long document

This powerful tool can quickly and accurately read longer documents – providing you with the information you need in no time.

7. GPT 4 can read handwritten content

GPT-4 is not just a text-based AI – it can also read hand-written content with ease! With GPT-4, you can quickly and accurately capture handwritten content and convert it into digital text for easy access and further analysis. Make handwritten content easier to manage with GPT-4!

It will take time to available to everyone. 

8. A person can accomplish any task with the help of GPT 4


You are TaxGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI.

Carefully read & apply the tax code, being certain to spell out your calculations & reasoning so anyone can verify them. Spell out everything in painstaking detail & don’t skip any steps!

Let GPT-4 be your tax lawyer! With the 16-page tax document you have assigned to it, GPT-4 can answer any questions you have.

Unleash your creativity and see what this powerful chatbot can do. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, GPT-4 is ready to help you solve all your tax law problems.

9. GPT 4 is very good in Mental Math

GPT 4 is an amazing tool for mental math. Its powerful algorithms provide lightning-fast calculations and accuracy that are unparalleled in the industry. With GPT 4, you can easily and quickly solve complex problems in no time.

10. Summarize the problem into a rhyming poem

The president concluded his presentation by giving command the following command

User: Now summarize this problem into a rhyming poem

GPT 4 gave tremendous output.

He thanked all the attendees and the session was then officially adjourned.

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