Five Classroom Activities to teach Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an essential part of learning, and there are many fun and effective ways to teach it in the classroom. Here are five activities that will help your students learn new words and improve their vocabulary skills:

1. Cross out words

This engaging activity is known as “Cross Out the Words.” During this activity, the instructor will display a table on the wall and articulate/pronounce a word. Each student in a group will go to the wall/board and cross out the word pronounced by the teacher.

Activity: Group Activity

Rationale: In this activity, the students will engage in three essential skills: listening, reading, and writing. Their participation will involve applying and refining these skills, allowing them to acquire a deeper understanding and mastery of the given words.

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2. Sentence Construction

Sentence construction is a captivating activity that is well-known for its engaging nature. During this activity, the teacher will provide students with a set of approximately 7 or 8 words from the unit/lesson he/she is teaching. The students will work collaboratively in groups, and create compelling sentences using the given words. The teacher will provide a chart or a paper to the group to complete this activity. Each student in the group will make the sentence on the board / or a chart provided by the teacher.

Activity: Group Activity and each student in a group will participate in the activity.

Rationale: The students will learn how to use this word by interacting within a group.

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3. True/False

This engaging and interactive activity is known as “True or False.” The teacher will allocate five minutes for the students to read and comprehend the definitions of the words in their respective groups. In the meantime, the teacher will display the meanings of the words on the interactive board. The student will go to the board and put a check mark if the definition is true or false. If he is unsure, he will approach the group, seek guidance, and then return to mark the task as complete. During the activity, the students will close the book.

Group Activity: 

The skills involved in this activity are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

DefinitionTruefalse100 points if the definition is true
1The word discover means to find out something for the first time.100
2An employee is the owner of the company 

4. Broken Sentences

The name given to this activity is broken sentences. For this activity, the teacher will need to create two columns on a sheet of paper. He will write the first half of the sentence in the left column, and then each student has to make a sentence by writing in the other half. Once he fills out the column, he will write the complete sentence on the line provided under this activity. will continue it with the other half in the latter part. Below the columns, there will be seven or eight lines where the sentences will be matched and written. Every member of the group will be responsible for writing a single sentence. 

He is an employee……
Bridgestone company produces…..
Exercise can …..
Who discovered ………….


5. Word Hunt

This interactive game is known as “Find the Word” or “Word Hunt”. The teacher will give a worksheet to the group. They have to find the word based on its definition.

Find the word from the definition

  1. Someone who works for someone or a company                                ———————
  2. To find out something for the first time                                              ———————-

The are many other games

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