Fun Classroom Activities for Teaching English Verbs

Fun Classroom Activities for Teaching English Verbs

This article will discuss the importance of teaching English verbs to young learners.  Verbs play a crucial role in constructing meaningful sentences and are an integral aspect of the English language. Educating young students on English verbs is essential to build a strong foundation in the language so that they can communicate proficiently. Moreover, instructing English verbs to young learners can enhance their overall literacy skills as verbs are a vital component of reading and writing. In this article, I will discuss fun classroom activities for teaching English verbs.

Why is Teaching Verbs Important?

Learning about Verbs

As an ESL teacher, it is important to know how to teach verb tenses and make learning about verbs interesting. The verb is one part of speech that can significantly improve the fluency of grammar knowledge in younger children in a class. A verb is a word that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of being. Understanding verbs is essential in English language learning as it is used in nearly every sentence. Therefore, it is important to introduce verb vocabulary as early as possible, and you can start with simple verbs such as “run,” “jump,” and “eat.”

Here is chart for English Verbs with some examples

Comprehensive List of Activities for Teaching Verbs

Part of Speech

When it comes to teaching English, understanding the different parts of speech is essential. A part of speech is a term used in English grammar, describing how words function in sentences. As previously mentioned, a verb is a part of speech, and knowing what a verb is and how to use it properly will help your students communicate more effectively. In their early stages studying a language, it is important to teach English verbs. Knowing what to do with them will help students create complete, meaningful sentences.

Verb Vocabulary

When teaching English, it is important to teach verb vocabulary as early as possible. Young students tend to find verbs compelling because of their easy action-oriented nature. Students can learn verbs through the presentation of videos, images, or simple games. Another technique is by introducing verb cards. Each card will have one verb on it, and the student needs to act it out. This technique helps students develop speaking and comprehension skills, and it’s a fun way to get them engaged in the learning process.

How Can You Make Teaching Verbs Fun?

Action Verb Charades

One fun activity for teaching verbs is Action Verb Charades. It is a classic game where one person acts out a verb, and the other players must guess what the verb is. The catch is that the actor cannot speak, and they can only act out the verb. This activity is an excellent way to teach students different verb tenses while also helping them improve their vocabulary. Examples of verbs that can be acted out include running, jumping, swimming, dancing, and singing. Charades is a fun and interactive way to help students learn and remember verbs.

Build a Verb

Another fun activity would be “Build a Verb.” In this activity, you will give students a verb card, such as “run.” Then, you give them another card with a word such as “paper.” The student must then combine the two cards to create a new verb, such as “paper run.” This exercise improves critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity while also teaching students how to use different verb tenses.

Verb Bingo

 Verb Bingo is a fun and interactive game that can be used to help students learn and practice verbs. To play, each player is given a bingo card with a grid of verbs. The teacher then calls out verbs, and the players must cross off the verbs on their cards when they hear them. Examples of verbs that can be used in the game include run, jump, eat, swim, and laugh. Verb Bingo is a great way to get students engaged in learning and help them practice their verb conjugation skills.

Tell a Story

“Tell a Story” is an activity that can be adapted for students of all levels. Students can work together to create a story based on a specific set of verbs, such as past tense verbs. For example, students could create sentences like, “Yesterday, I ate pizza,” or “Last week, my family went to the park.” This activity can also be adapted for advanced students by challenging them to incorporate all tenses of the chosen verb.

Fun Classroom Activities for Teaching English Verbs

Songs for Teaching English Verbs

Verb Song

 A great way to teach verbs to young learners is through the use of a popular verb song. A great example of this is the song “Verbs” by Have Fun Teaching. This song provides an easy and fun way to learn verbs, as it uses catchy lyrics and a fun beat to help students remember the different verbs. It can be used as a way to introduce verbs to students, or to review the different verbs they have already learned. It is also a great way to get students to practice using verbs in sentences.

Verb Chant

  A verb chant is a fun and interactive way to teach verbs to students. An example of a verb chant is “I can jump, I can hop, I can skip, I can stop”. To use this chant to teach verbs, the teacher can have the students repeat the chant and then ask them to come up with their own verbs to replace the ones in the chant. This can be done as a class activity or in small groups. The teacher can also have the students act out the verbs as they chant them. This is a great way to keep students engaged and help them learn verbs in a fun and interactive way.

Hands-On Activities for Teaching English Verbs

Verb Scavenger Hunt

A verb scavenger hunt is a great way to help students learn and practice their verb conjugations. To set up the hunt, create a list of verbs and their conjugations and then hide them around the classroom or school. Examples of verbs that can be used in the hunt include “run,” “eat,” “drink,” “sing,” “dance,” “jump,” and “speak.” Once the verbs are hidden, have students search for them and then conjugate them correctly. This activity can be tailored to any level of language learning and is a great way to get students up and moving while having fun with language learning.

Verb Sorting

Setting up a verb sorting activity is a great way to help students learn and practice verbs. To do this, create a list of verbs that can be sorted into categories such as action verbs, linking verbs, and helping verbs. Examples of action verbs include run, jump, and swim; linking verbs include be, seem, and appear; and helping verbs include can, must, and should. Once the verbs are sorted, students can practice using them in sentences or in other activities. Verb sorting is a fun and engaging way to help students learn and practice verbs.

What Are Some Interactive ESL Verb Games and Activities?

Verb Tense Races

“Verb Tense Races” is an activity that can help advanced students practice verb tenses, such as past, present, and future. In this game, students form teams, and a teacher gives them a verb tense. The students must then race to write down ten verbs that fit the tense. The team that writes down the ten verbs the fastest wins the game.

Past Tense Memory Challenge

For younger students, a “Past Tense Memory Challenge” can help them learn irregular verbs. First, draw a grid and fill it with simple past tense verbs from different tenses. Students flip two cards over at a time, trying to match the irregular past tense verbs with their simple present tense forms. The student who matches the most verbs is the winner.

Irregular Verb Blob Tag

“Irregular Verb Blob Tag” is a physical game that can be a fun and engaging way for older students to learn irregular verbs. Students will assign verbs to each other. The goal is for the person with the verb to avoid being tagged by the person who is “it” while also shouting out the past tense form of their verb. If they are tagged, they will swap their verb card with the person who tagged them.

What Are Some Fun Worksheets for Teaching Verb Tenses?

Perfect Tenses Worksheet

“Perfect Tenses Worksheet” is a fun worksheet ideal for intermediate to advanced students who need to practice their verb tenses. It has exercises to fill in the blanks and match verb tenses correctly. This worksheet covers present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect.

Verb Tense Practice Sheet

“Verb Tense Practice Sheet” teaches the basic verb tenses of English. This printable worksheet allows students to practice identifying verbs and different tenses such as past, present, and future.

Helping Verb Fill-in-the-Blank

Another great worksheet is the “Helping Verb Fill-in-the-Blank” exercise. It teaches the proper use of helping verbs, such as “do,” “does,” “did,” “am,” “is,” and “are.” It is an excellent tool for introducing new verbs and helping students learn how to use them.

How Can You Create Engaging Verb Lesson Plans?

Introducing New Verbs Lesson Plan

“Introducing New Verbs” is a lesson plan designed to help students identify verbs and their proper use. The lesson begins by introducing basic verb vocabulary and then moves on to more complex tenses to improve students’ grammar fluency.

Verb Relay Race Lesson Plan

“Verb Relay Race” is a lesson plan that involves students forming teams and racing to complete verb challenges. This activity teaches verb tenses in a fun and engaging way while also encouraging teamwork and collaboration.

Presenting Verb Tenses Lesson Plan

“Presenting Verb Tenses” is a lesson plan that helps students understand verb tenses in English. It starts with an introduction of present, past, and future tenses, followed by exercises to practice their application. This lesson plan helps students learn English verbs in an interactive way.

What Are Some Tips for Using Verbs in a Story?

Using Strong Action Verbs

When writing a story, it is important to use strong action verbs to bring stories to life. Instead of using weak verbs like “walked” or “said,” try replacing them with more descriptive action verbs like “sauntered” or “whispered.”

Using Vivid Nouns

Using vivid nouns can also improve writing. Instead of using common nouns, try incorporating more descriptive and unique ones to add depth and interest to your story. For instance, instead of using “car,” use “red Ferrari.”

Using Sensory Details

Sensory details can also improve writing by engaging the reader’s senses. For instance, instead of just saying, “He walked down the street,” use sensory details like “He walked down the street, feeling the soft breeze rustling his hair.” In conclusion, teaching English verbs can be challenging, but with these fun activities, games, and lesson plans, you can keep your students engaged and learning. Encourage your students to have fun with these activities, and soon, they will be using verbs with confidence and ease.

Engaging Classroom Activities for Teaching English Verbs

When it comes to teaching English verbs, classroom activities should be engaging and interactive to help students grasp the concept. One fun activity is “Pick a Card”, where students draw verb cards and create a sentence using the verb. This activity challenges students to use their creativity and helps them understand how to use verbs in sentences. Another activity is “Moving Around the Class”, where students are given a verb and must act it out while the rest of the class guesses what the verb is. This activity not only helps students understand the meaning of verbs but also encourages teamwork and communication.

Interactive Ways to Ensure Students Understand English Verbs

To ensure that students have a well-rounded understanding of verbs, teachers can also give them a list of verbs and have them write example sentences. This activity allows students to practice using verbs in different tenses and contexts. Another activity is “Complete Sentences”, where students are given incomplete sentences and must fill in the blank with the correct verb tense. This activity challenges students to apply their knowledge of verbs and helps them understand how to use them correctly in sentences. By incorporating these activities into the classroom, teachers can ensure that students have a solid understanding of English verbs while also making learning fun and interactive.


Q: What are some fun activities for teaching verbs?

A: Charades, building a verb, telling a story with verbs, and playing grammar games are all great activities for teaching verbs.

Q: How do I get my students engaged in learning english verb tenses?

A: Make it fun! Use games to teach verbs and provide hands-on activities. Encourage students to use verbs in sentences and in conversation.

Q: What is an action verb?

A: An action verb is a verb that describes an action. For example, “run,” “eat,” “sleep,” and “dance” are all action verbs.

Q: What are some fun ESL activities for teaching verbs?

A: Some fun ESL activities for teaching verbs include verb tense games, verb vocabulary games, and playing grammar games.

Q: How can I help kids understand verb forms?

A: Provide a list of verbs and ask students to give the past tense, present tense, and future tense of each verb. You can also play games where students need to use the right verb form in a sentence.

Q: What are some linking verbs?

A: Some linking verbs include “is,” “am,” “are,” “was,” “were,” “becomes,” “seems,” and “appears.”

Q: How can I make the game more challenging?

A: Increase the number of verbs, add in other parts of speech, or have the students link the verb to other elements of a sentence.

Q: What happens at the end of the game when all the verbs have been used?

A: You can either award a prize to the first student to use all the verbs or continue the game with another verb list.

Q: How do I play “tell a story with a verb” game?

A: The first student says a sentence with a verb. The next student must use that verb in a new sentence that builds on the first student’s sentence. The game continues until a student can’t think of a sentence with the verb or until the story reaches a natural ending point.

Q: What are some fun and easy ways to make learning verbs more enjoyable?

A: Play grammar games, have a verb scavenger hunt, or create a verb obstacle course where students need to use verbs to complete tasks.


 In conclusion, teaching English verbs to young learners is an essential part of language development. It is important to provide activities that are engaging and effective in helping young learners to understand and use English verbs. To this end, the activities provided in the article are a great starting point and should be encouraged. Additionally, there are many other resources available to teachers that can help them to teach English verbs to young learners. With the right resources and activities, teachers can ensure that their students are well-equipped to use English verbs in their daily lives.

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