
Writing a descriptive paragraph – Lesson plan

Writing a descriptive paragraph is a very important skill to learn. It is a very useful way to use words to create a picture in the reader’s mind. They can help make your writing more interesting by giving readers a vivid mental image. Please watch the following video and complete the quiz once you’re done…

Vocabulary 2: How Do You Decide?

When someone decides something, there are several factors involved in the decision-making process. Firstly, individuals consider their personal values, beliefs, and goals, as these serve as guiding principles in aligning their choices with their overarching aspirations. External influences, such as societal expectations, cultural norms, and peer opinions, also play a significant role in shaping decision-making….

Reading 1: Unusual Ideas to Make a Buzz

The teacher will use these two videos to create excitement and interest for the upcoming reading assignment. Reading 1 – Redbull Commercial Reading 1 – Blendtec Company – Commercial 10 Reading Activities Unit 1 – Reading 1 – Comprehension Question – Quiz Instructions for the Activity : Read the article in your book, pages 5…

Vocabulary 1: Unusual Ideas to Make a Buzz

Unusual ideas to make a buzz can involve thinking outside the box and embracing creativity in unexpected ways. One approach is to create interactive and immersive experiences that captivate and engage the audience, such as pop-up events in unconventional locations or utilizing augmented reality to provide a unique and memorable encounter. Another unusual idea is…

Why does something become popular?

Activity 1: Introduce Yourself Instructions for the video Activity: Watch the video and learn why something becomes popular. There is a cloze exercise after the video where students drag and drop words into blank spaces within a text. Students are required to complete the exercise after watching the video. Watch the above video and complete…

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