Vocabulary 1: A Successful Family Business

Family businesses play a crucial role in the global economy, often becoming successful through generations of hard work, dedication, and a strong sense of family values. These businesses are more than just financial ventures; they are a representation of the family’s legacy, traditions, and values. Building and maintaining a successful family business requires a deep level of commitment, trust, and communication among family members.

It provides a sense of stability, security, and pride for the family, as well as creating job opportunities and contributing to the local community. The success of a family business often stems from the strong relationships and shared vision of the family members, making it a significant and important institution in the business world.

Also read : Five Classroom Activities to teach Vocabulary

Vocabulary Teaching

There are different methods of teaching vocabulary/new words. One such method is the PPP approach which can be implemented. The PPP approach involves the teacher introducing the new words, followed by practising the words using Quizlet, and finally assessing the students’ understanding through either a quiz or by asking them to create sentences using the new words.

An alternative method is that teacher can create groups within the class and share a link to the slides with the students. The students will work together in their groups, and one student from each team will act as the instructor and teach one word to the whole class. In this way, all the words will be taught by the students.

Once this activity is completed, Quizlet can be utilized for practice. Finally, in the assessment stage, the students can either be given a quiz or ask them to write sentences using the new words.

Unit 5 – Vocabulary 1 – R & W .pptx by Zahid Khan

Complete the Quiz

Unit 5 – R & W – Vocabulary 1 – Quiz

Unit 5 – R & W – Vocabulary 1 – Quiz

Answer each of the following questions by selecting the one correct option.

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